Renewing Your Smile With Veneers
Consuming certain foods regularly, like coffee or oranges, can begin to stain and yellow your teeth over time. While some stains can be removed with special toothpastes or whitening mouthwashes, some stains can be much more difficult to erase. Professional whitening treatments are one way to address tough stains and make your teeth sparkle.
Another way to renew the shine of your smile is by getting dental veneers from Derna Dental. Veneers cover each tooth with a small porcelain shell that bonds to the front of your teeth, restoring a bright, natural appearance to your mouth. The porcelain layer is also resistant to future staining, making it easier for you to maintain your pearly whites. Veneers are also an excellent choice to improve the appearance of chipped or misshapen teeth.
Once you make the decision to have veneers placed, Derna Dental will take a detailed impression of your teeth, which is then sent to a dental lab where your veneers are designed to fit each tooth individually. Once the veneers are ready, we will invite you back for a second appointment where we will prepare your teeth for the bonding process, before cementing the veneers into place.